
Showcase of my work on Full Stack development.

Powerful Chatbot Builder: BotConvo

Powerful Chatbot Builder

Next.js SVG IconNode.js SVG IconReact SVG Icon
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RAG ChatBot with Google Drive Integration

RAG ChatBot with GROQ using Vercel AI SDK

Redis SVG IconNext.js SVG Iconvercel SVG Icon
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Itinerary Generation Tool

Itinerary Generation Tool for Travel Agencies

Next.js SVG IconMongoDB SVG Icon
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Solana Raffle - NFT

Solana NFT Raffle Platform with Phantom Wallet Integration

Next.js SVG Icon
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Immigration Hive

Immigration ProCRM - Comprehensive Immigration Management Solution

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Web3 SolanaMinesweeper Game

Web3 based Solana Minesweeper Game Development

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Ecommerce Website

EcommHub - Full Stack Ecommerce Website

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