notionlink project

Ecommerce Website

EcommHub - Full Stack Ecommerce Website


Short Explanation

EcommHub is a complete ecommerce solutions with Payload CMS as the backned server with Server side Multi Lingual support and Next.js as the frontend framework with Tailwind UI & is 100% SEO Ready.


  • 100% Typescript
  • Next.js SSR / SSG & SEO Ready
  • TailwindCSS UI Styling
  • Micro Interactions & Animation With Framer Motion
  • next-i18next - Multi Lingual With RTL Support
  • Zustand State Management
  • PWA Ready
  • Http Only Cookie Based Authentication

Payload Product Panel

Fully customizable Product upload panel with drafts, versions, and multi-lingual upload options. The product fields have granual control to make fully customized product schemas.

notionlink project

Mantine UI Dashboard

Ecommerce Admin Dashboard With Mantine UI Library, TailwindCSS, Axios GraphQL & React Query

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