notionlink project

Web3 SolanaMinesweeper Game

Web3 based Solana Minesweeper Game Development

Short Description

This project is a Minesweeper game developed using modern web technologies such as React.js, Vite.js, Pixi.js, Solana blockchain, Anchor framework, Solana Wallet Adapter, Node.js, Express.js, Socket.IO, and MongoDB database. The game provides players with a real-time, immersive experience, thanks to the use of Solana wallets, blockchain technology, and Socket.IO for instant communication.


  • Solana Blockchain
  • Solana Anchor Framework
  • Phantom Wallet Integration
  • Frontend With React.js, Typescript & TailwindCSS
  • Backend is developed in Express.js & MongoDB With Socket.IO

Solana Minesweeper Game

The Solana Minesweeper application is a betting-enabled version of the classic Minesweeper game board. It is developed using the Pixi.js canvas library for rendering the game board. The application integrates with the Phantom wallet and the Solana blockchain to facilitate betting functionality. Additionally, the application incorporates real-time communication capabilities through Socket.IO, enabling seamless gameplay experience.

Feature List

  • Phantom wallet integration
  • Minesweeper game board with Pixi.js
  • Real time game play with Socket.IO
  • SOL token betting with Phatom Wallet & Solana Blockchain
  • Player leaderboard with real time updates
notionlink project